Jobs For Dogs litter This litter theme is for Kali - with thanks to her person Lina for keeping her busy!
AusFX Through the Fire N Flames RN PT ET x T Ch AusFX Sea Change CDX RE RAE TSD DOB: 12 January 2019.
The pedigree can be viewed here.
AusFX Food Rights Activist - Blue merle female 'Darlie' - owned and loved by David and Karlie.
AusFX Branch Manager - Blue merle female 'Iyah' - owned and loved by Glen, Jasmine and family.
AusFX Spirit Lifter - Black tri male 'Hook' - owned and loved by Paul, Sussi and Caitlin.
AusFX Pat Solicitor - Black tri male 'Pax' - owned and loved by Jake and Sophie.
AusFX Extreme Soul Support - Blue merle male 'Barkly' - owned and loved by Alex and Emily.
AusFX Welcome Waggin - Blue merle male 'Arlo' - owned and loved by Kaare and Sophie.
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Changes last made: July 2019.