Deja Vu litter Ch Rozate California Hway Patrol ET x AusFX Go Ahead Make My Day ET Born 29 March 2015 View the pedigree here.
Before this litter was born, I knew the pups were all going to be red. But as they each made their appearance, there was a strong feeling of deja vu as we welcomed the same number of pups and breakdown of merle boys and tri girls as the very first AusFX litter.
AusFX Scoundrel Days - Red merle male "Banjo" - owned and loved by Annette, Greg and family.
AusFX Colour All My Days - Red merle male "Rusty" - owned and loved by the Christie family.
AusFX The Power Within - Red merle male "Vader" - owned and loved by Gus and Tash.
AusFX Wide Awake in Dreamland - Red tri female "Razzle" - owned and loved by the Male family.
AusFX Wrapped In Red - Red tri female "Peace".
AusFX Heavy Nova - Red tri female "Rosie" - owned and loved by the May family.
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Changes last made: October 2015.