AusFX Thru the Fire N Flames PT ET
28 April, 2011
Blue merle male with copper & white
Sire: Supreme Ch Ellagant Rhythm N Blue PT [ Ellagant Knls]
Dam: Rozate PS I Love You HSAs JD RN ET
Hips: 1:2 Elbows: 0:0
Eyes Clear 2016.
Hereditary Cataract: Normal (Not affected).
CEA Collie Eye Anomoly/ Choroidal Hypoplasia: Normal (Not affected).
Ivermectin sensitivity/ MDR1: Normal (Not affected).
Full dentition.
Click here for Winter's pedigree.
From the beginning, it was clear that Winter is flexible, prepared to take either the high road...
... or the low.
He still has yet to meet a stranger, and quickly endears himself to pretty much everyone he meets.
Over the weekend of the ASCV 2011 open show and MVA event in July 2011 he won Baby Puppy in Show.
He has been to a number of herding clinics and made many human and canine friends at each.
At the ASCV Champ Show in October 2011 he won Opposite Minor Puppy in Show.
In March 2012 he achieved two Herding Instinct Test passes.
(And we finally got back to the paddock for his PT title in February 2018.)
Winter really enjoys playing with pups. In fact, he just loves playing, and everyone loves him too. Which is handy for him :)
In May 2013 Winter completed his ET - our very first AusFX title!
On 20 December 2015, Winter was bitten by a snake, which was not discovered until the next day when he
was just not quite right. He did not present with all the normally seen symptoms of snakebite, and with the
available information it was only by attempting to eliminate what it was not that we discovered what it was.
Winter spent ten days at the vet, initially getting worse, and then slowly improving enough to come home on
New Year's Eve, a pale shadow of his former self. He spent the next few months building back his body mass
and muscle. He was back to normal personality-wise relatively quickly, but has some minor physical
changes that will probably be permanent. I am just pleased to have his smiling face and goofy
nature still with me.
Winter sired a litter of 9 beautiful pups in Western Australia, born in November 2015,
and also our gorgeous 'Inspiration' litter, born in April 2017.
If you have any questions about Winter, please email me.
Photo Credits: Shows and herding (instinct), Minka. Herding (PT), Karron. All others Leonora.
The side border on this page was created using an image from
Copyright © Changes last made: September 2018. |